CoronaVirus has currently infected tens of thousands of people around the world, with the total death toll now in the thousands.
It began in Wuhan, China and has quickly spread fear around the globe. Nations in Southeast Asia are now taking precautions, and the United States is quarantining anyone that attempts to enter the USA from the Wuhan region for a minimum of 14 days.
With everyone being so afraid of the CoronaVirus, what exactly does it do to you, and what can you do to protect yourself?
Our video version of this post is incredible, filled with footage of how exactly the virus affects you. Watch it now by clicking HERE.
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Infection Transmission
Like most viruses, it spreads from person to person in close proximity, similar to other respiratory illnesses such as the flu.
Droplets of bodily fluid are dispersed in the air or on objects by coughing or sneezing.
Scientists estimate that coughs & sneezes can travel a meter or two out, and stay suspended in the air for up to 10 minutes.
People then come into contact with the the virus particles, and the virus enters the body through the face or other bodily openings.
Once inside the person, the virus gets to work, slowly infecting one cell at a time- we’ll cover in depth how this happens later.
Symptoms don’t appear for up to 14 days after a person is infected, which is why governments are so concerned about the virus.
It is possible that many people could be infected and transmitting the virus without showing any symptoms, and then when symptoms finally do show it would appear at first only like a small cold.
It is believed that the coronavirus first existed in animals, and then species-hopped to humans via a mutation, which is why it is suddenly appearing to spread out of nowhere.
The symptoms of the virus can range from a small-cold and death. Typically the infected will start experiencing fatigue, sneezing, and coughing. Their energy will fall away. Fever and breathing difficulty will then commence shortly thereafter.
If the infected person has a strong immune system and medical support, this is all that may happen. If the person is very old, very young, unhealthy, or does not have access to a hospital, then the symptoms may progress.
In severe cases it leads to pneumonia, kidney failure, and death as the immune system gets overwhelmed.
The current fatality rate is 2-3%, meaning that 2-3% of people infected will die, and the rest will survive.
World Spread
Hundreds of people have died in China, most of which in the Wuhan area. A woman has died in the Philippines, and cases have been reported in several other Asian countries, Australia, some European countries, North America, and the Middle East.
Governments around the world are taking steps to create a vaccination and also prevent the spread of this virus.
They are doing things such as quarantines, working on vaccines, and monitoring people coming in and out of the country. Some airlines have cancelled flights to and from China.
What You Can Do
World governments are taking necessary steps to make sure that this does not become any worse than it needs to be, however there are things you can personally do to ensure your safety.
Make sure that you wash your hands with proper soap, take showers, keep yourself and your food & water clean. If you do not know if a particular food is safe, do not eat it.
Avoid people that are coughing and sneezing, and try to avoid touching random objects that tons of other people are touching.
If you must be in a public space that is crowded, try to stick as far away from others as possible, clean yourself, and also take care of your own health.
Those with stronger immune systems are more likely to survive the virus than others. If you are in a high-risk area, it is especially advised that you take care of your diet, sleep, and other factors so that you have as much energy as possible in case you get infected.
Avoid drinking alcohol, staying up late, doing drugs, or doing anything else that could weaken your immune system. The stronger your immune system, the more likely you are to remain healthy.
How We Can Help
Wildlife x Team International has extensive experience in dealing with wildlife & pest related problems, and we are very aware of the diseases that they can cause.
Rabies for example has killed more people than the CoronaVirus, with about 59,000 deaths per year and a 99% rate of fatality, compared to the mere hundreds of deaths caused by the CoronaVirus.
Wild animals and pests infesting your home can spread diseases such as Rabies, but also viruses such as the CoronaVirus.
If you think that you have a wildlife or pest-related problem, contact us IMMEDIATELY so that we can take care of it and prevent the spread of deadly diseases & viruses.
Our phone number is 855-WILDLIFE or you can visit for more information.
-Wildlife x Team International