Stinging Insects- Facts & Prevention
“Stinging insects” includes all insects that have the capacity to sting animals. This is commonly associated with bees, wasps, and hornets, as these are the most common types of stinging insects.
However fire ants and other types of ants that have the ability to sting are also included in the category of stinging insects. In case you don’t know, fire ants inject venom into animals which feels like fire.
All types of stinging insects are extremely painful. If you get stung by fire ants, you will feel like you are on fire. Many Americans have been stung by a wasp or bee, which is an instant sharp pain at the sting site. The wounded area can hurt for days after a sting.
In today’s post we shall share with you some fun facts about stinging insects, as well as how to prevent & deal with them.
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Stinging Insects are Dangerous
While wasps & fire ants are very small and easily killed, they can be quite dangerous. An estimated 40-140 people die every single year as a result of stinging insects. They typically have a strong allergic reaction to the venom; however in some very rare cases people are simply stung to death. For example in Arizona a hiking man was attacked by angry African bees that stung him over and over until he was forced to have an allergic reaction!
About half a million people per year are hospitalized or go to the emergency room as a result of stinging insects. This is often because they experience a severe allergic reaction, and need a cure.
In fact 2 million Americans are allergic to stinging insects. This means that if they are stung, they will need a cure to stop the allergic reaction. The allergic reaction isn’t always fatal, though in some cases it is.
The allergic reaction caused by a sting may not occur immediately; in some cases the allergic reaction can occur minutes or hours after. It is very important that one is monitored for 24 hours after being stung by a stinging insect. After 24 hours there is basically zero chance of an allergic reaction occurring.
Most people have nothing to fear in terms of allergic reactions caused by stinging insects. While the sting can be rather unpleasant, the fact is they will likely be okay as long as the wound is promptly treated.
What Causes Attacks?
Stinging insects are most likely to attack around their hive or nest. You will also notice more stinging insects flying around when you are closer to a hive. Certain types of insects perform certain duties for the time. For example, some are workers, whereas others are warriors that protect the hive.
All animals near a nest or hive will be viewed as a potential threat. Most stings occur as a result of accidentally bumping into a hive or being too close to it.
If you make any sudden movements or swing your arms about, this will threaten the insects and they will be more likely to sting you. If you are stung you should not swing your arms and try to fight back as this will encourage it.
It is best advised to simply slowly walk away from any stinging insect nests and let the experts remove it for you. If you decide to attempt to remove it on your own, you will require lots of heavy clothing and full skin protection so that you are not stung.
In short stinging insects attack because they feel threatened. You may be too close to their nest/hive, or you may have made sudden movements near a stinging insect which scared it.
Miscellaneous Stinging Insect Tips
You should almost never kill a stinging insect. Insects communicate through subtle smells called “pheromones.” We are not able to detect these smells, however if a whole hive is upset then we may be able to notice a small smell.
When you kill an insect it releases a pheromone which attracts other insects to the area. If you kill one, three more will come! This is also why swinging your arms about and scaring one insect is bad- others will rush to that insect’s protection.
Insects are also attracted to sweet smells such as perfume, sugar, beer, coke, and garbage areas. Avoid having these things on you or being near these things during hot summer days when the insects could be out and about.
Need Insect Help?
If you need insect help, give us a call at 855-WILDLIFE or visit and we’ll be sure to help you out!
Thanks for reading!
-Wildlife x Team International